False Realities

June 6, 2024:

In the dream, I was at work telling A---- about a dream I’d just had: I had been watching her create all these different edible masks of Disney characters. (Nothing actually recognizable, but I somehow knew they were Disney.) The faces were all built on specially made wooden boards with a hole in the center. The boards stood up at maybe a 75° angle. As I was telling her all this, she was engaged in the act of making one of these faces/masks, but her regular ones, not the Disney ones. (Note: IRL, nobody at work makes any faces/masks whatsoever.) I started to tell her another part of the dream but stopped myself because I didn’t think it was interesting enough to bother. (It was this: one of the characters/faces/masks was testifying in court, getting grilled about something they’d eaten on multiple occasions. They answered sheepishly, saying the same thing each time, and it was somehow a really damning and unexpected answer.)

Other dream, same night: My industrial piercing was huge and ran, not through my ear, but through my entire head. Although illogically, one end came out of my nose and the other out of my ear. I pulled the piece from my nose at one point and it was completely covered in blood, which got on my collar. I immediately started trying to remember how to best clean blood off of clothes.

BACK IN REALITY: I expected to go into work and tell A---- about the weird dreams I'd had that included her. But before I had a chance to, she was already telling us about a very elaborate, much more interesting dream that she'd had that same night. That in itself is unusual; she's never discussed her dreams before.

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May 26, 2024:

I’m eating one of my several bags of snacks on a couch next to someone. I *repeatedly* spill tiny, tight, delicious pretzels out into a crevice of the couch, confused how it just keeps happening. Then I’m outside at night on a sidewalk. No one else around except the cars passing by. It’s a nice night and up ahead is a huge full moon. (Not duplicated or mirrored for once, just by itself. Also, while very big, not so much as to be suspicious.) I consider just walking in that same direction all night, staring at it.

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May 25, 2024:

I was at work and had just poached shrimp. I saw them floating in water in front of me in a big tank. Suddenly long red parasitic worms started emerging from some of the shrimp. They looked way too big to have ever actually fit inside the shrimp and they looked kind of like millipedes. I then felt like I could feel one coming out of my own body through the skin, which was... deeply unpleasant and disturbing.

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May 17, 2024:

I saw a spray of bullets coming at me, slow enough to see, but fast enough to barely dodge at all. The one at the end of the line got me in the gut and I started bleeding.

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April 24, 2024:

I was eating a big cookie dipped in the last remaining milk I had. At a funeral, where other people were also eating cookies. It was a woman’s funeral, and she wore this white, wet, mostly opaque veil over her head. Also, she was alive at the start. The funeral would conclude with her death.

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April 17, 2024:

Alone on the bottom floor of a darkened house. No lights on. Actually the layout of the house is basically the same as the one I’m in. Weather outside is very bad. I’m not looking outside any windows, but can hear the strong wind. There are two little stoves, or maybe one stove and a fireplace, and I’m keeping an eye on them. I’m worried. It seems like the wind is blowing ashes into the house through these stoves, and some of the ashes are still lit, so there’s a risk of fire. In fact there are wisps of flame with each gust that blows in. I think I hear on a radio that 3% of houses north of a certain nearby road are on fire.

Before this, I entered the space to do something intentionally creepy. I had my orange phone plugged into a radio or record player — whichever it was, using the phone as the speaker made the music sound tinny and creepy. I thought it would weird out my roommates. (Note: this was the second in a series of several dreams involving the risk of fire that I had around this period.)

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April 9, 2024:

I was part of an early space program, although this was strictly terrestrial it seemed. I was aboard a very small round craft, sort of like an egg, neither spacious nor super cramped. Two men one woman. After a whole, totally unrelated segment of the dream, we entered what at first was just an elevator. Then instead of moving vertically we were shot out of the building horizontally. For quite some time we passed over the surface of the earth, really not all that high up, maintaining the same altitude. Trees weren’t too far beneath us. We moved fast, but seemed to not really change in speed. A voice from the command center confirmed the time and date and asked if we were all present and accounted for. I confirmed. The vessel spun slightly and I worried the spin would increase dramatically and the ride would become horrible and nauseating. Then it seemed like we were watching a video, and the woman’s face filled the screen. Tears were streaming down her face. It seemed like the video was an explanation of the purpose of the mission — we were the first people to do this sort of mission, and the goal was to see what happens to the human body when subjected to these conditions. We were going to die fairly soon. Maybe not within moments, maybe not even for a few weeks, but soon. Trapped in this tight little bubble facing each other as we wasted away from lack of food and water. (Somehow the vessel itself failing seemed so impossible that it wasn’t even a concern.) But the woman in the video said it was worth it, because people would study our deaths and learn from it how to keep other people alive.

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April 6, 2024:

I was in a restaurant (?) and started to notice these little brown translucent elongated ovals drifting through the air — I’m pretty sure they were somehow shed from the wings of some sort of fly. In other words, they were really nasty and not something I wanted near me or my food. But as I looked closer, I saw more and more of them, until the air was FULL of them, at which point I decided I had to leave.

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March 20, 2024:

A relatively small group of people has been taken over by parasites. I’m one. We’re in a factory, passing a notebook around (it is also, somehow, a T-shirt we’re designing). I keep attempting to write the word ‘indefensible,’ but it’s a dream so writing and spelling are hard. Likely the surprising difficulty prompts a degree of lucidity. So I write “not sure why it’s so hard to write indefensible”. I realize I have slightly better luck writing in cursive, but even that requires a lot of focus. e.g. when writing the word ‘write’, I found myself making the ‘i’ the same height as the ‘t’. What does this have to do with parasites? I don't know.

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March 13, 2024:

I found myself in a darkened store that must have just closed. I was surprised to even be able to get in and out of the store. I saw the dark silhouette of a person, presumably an employee of the store, passing by. They didn’t seem to know I was there. I left the store and entered the main mall.

I didn’t enter any other stores. I just walked around. It was Christmas. There were some decorations out, and I think I passed by some people dressed as elves and such. At one point I passed by a gym. I could look in through the windows to see that it was relatively small for a gym and all the equipment was closely bunched together — not a whole lot of negative space going on. For some reason maybe half of the gym’s total equipment spilled outside the apparent boundaries of the business, out to where people who weren’t at the gym were walking. And it seemed like these were the machines getting the most use by the gym patrons. Again, it was all closely pushed together. (Not the most cramped gym equipment I’ve seen in a dream, but close.)

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January 7, 2024:

I'm in the mountains. I can see more beautiful mountains in the distance, all a blue color that's not too different from the color of the sky. I'm on a tall structure with a clear view in all directions. There are multiple moons, each at the same elevation and phase and opacity, but in all directions, almost like I'm at the center of a clock and these moons are hour markers. (Obviously I've had this same kind of many-moons dream repeatedly, but this is the first time I remember it being in daytime.) I believe I'm with J++++. I’m excitedly telling him that this is just like the dreams I keep having, only this time it’s actually happening! I think I have a camera with me and I'm trying to take pictures.

We’re staying on this property with multiple airbnbs, and I assume we've rented one of them. Near the big tower, there was a huge clock outside. I noticed something seemed off about it, specifically the motion of the hands, but I just assumed it was more decorative than actually functional. Only one of the hands was actually capable of moving, and it moved clockwise, but at a strange pace.

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December 19, 2023:

I was getting my blood drawn, 3 vials total. The final one seemed to take some effort. I felt like I was up to something devious, like I was a vampire or something. It seemed like I’d been sent on a mission. One of the technicians working there was cute and I hoped I’d hear from him afterward. We talked a little and also surreptitiously wrote some messages back and forth in a book so people wouldn’t overhear. He seemed to understand my secret purpose of being there. He went away. I sat in a fairly busy waiting room for a bit, then they called my name and gave me a box. As expected, the three vials of blood were there, but it was mostly a gift box with nice items in it like soap, candles, etc.

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November 30, 2023:

I went to Bill Gates’ tiny, spartan office, the office which, apparently, he'd been using right from the beginning of his career in computers. He’d gotten some disease and had passed out. He'd since recovered, but one of the big symptoms was wasting away, and at one point in his illness, his whole body carried just 2% of the liquid it normally would have.

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November 16, 2023:

We (not sure who ‘we’ is exactly) were staying at an airbnb. There was someone who lived downstairs, a blonde woman. At night, when we were relaxing, she came up to a glass door, or window, and stared straight at us, not moving, and at first not saying anything. It was unnerving.

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November 14, 2023:

I was one of 4 or 5 prisoners on a brief expedition. We were supposed to return to the castle on the mainland within the hour or they'd come looking for us. A guard came with us, but secretly he was sympathetic to us and put himself at great personal risk to help us escape. He took us to a very small island not far at all from the castle. The island had no vegetation of any kind, barely any structures. There was a tall barbed wire fence along the perimeter and maybe an aerial in the center. The Chinese owned and operated it, but we were using it as a place to hide briefly. Most of the walls were just fencing, and you could have easily spotted us from the castle, but there was a small opaque section where we intended to hide. Somehow cellentani pasta was involved. We each had a bowl and it took a moment, but this pasta somehow turned into a pile just big enough that we could hide beneath the pile and they wouldn't see us. During this, I was talking with the guy helping us, sort of coaching him on what he would need to say and how he would need to act to be convincing. He'd have to pretend we got/fought away from him in a way that wouldn't lead to him getting killed for incompetence or betrayal.

It was getting darker, and unfortunately we realized that there were extremely sensitive motion-activated sodium vapor lights all around. The lights went off fairly fast after being activated, but that was still going to draw a lot of attention our way. Before we could really worry about that, we realized many new people had just arrived on the island for some reason. It seemed like they were just there for fun, not to find us, but because they would give us away, our guard immediately went about gunning them all down. He made quick work of it, mostly. There was a young woman who was very vicious, and avoided the bullets. I watched her pick up a bucket of red paint and dump it over herself, kind of like war-paint. The guard had an intense moment of hand-to-hand fighting with this woman, who was very good and had killed a lot of people in the past. (Maybe she had even brought this group of people out to the island just to kill them.) They both carried daggers. I think she was trying to carve some word onto his face.

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October 25, 2023:

I was trying to eat a thick slice of Detroit-style pizza. I only had a minute or so to eat all of it, or I would be killed. I was one of several contestants trying to beat this game we'd involuntarily entered. The hard part is: we're in a room which rotates constantly, and we had to frantically eat the pizza while trying to navigate the obstacles of the room as it rotated so we wouldn't get crushed or something. The furniture which was earlier on the floor like normal slid around dangerously as one of the walls became the new floor, the ceiling became a wall, etc. over and over again.

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September 23, 2023:

The end of a much longer dream:
We are at sea for days on end, despite originally expecting a transit time of mere hours. Something about our trip has gone wrong. Maybe it was supposed to just be a ferry across water to land so near you could spot it in the distance from the origin's shore. The whole dream might have been some trash reality tv, akin to something aired on TLC. There was a white woman with dreads. But the more noticeable thing about her is that her right arm is a stump. She put her stump into a prosthetic, which itself only looks like a more smooth stump. She then maneuvers the arm-in-stump into a Halloween costume of some sort — it's a creepy-looking branch. Her arm terminates, afterward, in a dark brown, twisted array of twigs.

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July 15, 2023:

An old woman was trying to hand me four-leaf clovers. I didn’t want to take them. I didn’t want to interact with her at all. I got a bad feeling from her, like any kind of interaction with her was a mistake.

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December 29, 2022:

Usual family were eating dinner. I look down and see a very busy trail of ants on the ground, not bothering our food but heading from a bedroom to our bathroom. When trying to find out where they came from I see that the walls look different. It’s almost like they’re wet and you can now see what’s beneath the paint. Entire walls are covered in these shapes that look like they could have been made by haphazardly tearing away from a sheet of wallpaper. Mostly it’s figures of people. Something about it feels evil, even suggestive of murder.

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May 27, 2021:

I had a video of lots of the eagles that I’d just seen. They were even larger than in real life, and way scarier to look at. They almost looked like they were rotting. Very corpse-like, sinewy, and creepy. I don’t know what they were doing, but I’d never seen so many flying by at once so of course I recorded it. Something like 7 of them. For some reason I named the video ‘A24,’ like the production company. I handed my phone to Toni so she could see it.

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December 8, 2019:

There was a dirty pool or hot tub outside. It hadn't been used in awhile and things were floating in it. I felt apprehensive about even being near it, and it turns out that was for good reason. I was looking into the pool with one other person and there seemed to be a variety of weapons left at the bottom. I may or may not have reached in for one. I was at the pool's edge and felt something at my ankle. This bee-looking thing was trying to burrow under my skin. I caught it just before it was totally in there and had to yank on it for a long moment before I got rid of the thing or could even get a decent first look at it.

I think around this time I was a little disappointed because for so long in this dream I was surrounded by interesting people and then all of a sudden I seemed to be alone. I returned to an area I'd been before and there was a janitor vacuuming. While I was in this room, I noticed one of my back teeth was loose, so I pulled it. Doing so didn't hurt at all. I examined the tooth and it had a large open section full of surreal shit that doesn't belong in a tooth. I am familiar enough with that scenario that I recognized at this point that I was dreaming, and I was fairly lucid for a while...

[REMOVED FOR BREVITY]...The violence seemed totally justified at the moment as adequate retaliation for the extreme danger he'd put us through. At some point we ended up on friendly terms and were joking. I put a sticker on the back of the guy in the passenger seat. I think it said 'ham' or something dumb like that. Somehow it was night, and we pulled up to a flashing red light (the driver kind of ignored it). We were all out of the car without even noticing then, and I saw with alarm that a little figure about 3 ft high was coming at us. As it came closer, I could see that it was made out of meat or something. The people I was with seemed to know what it was, and how to defeat it. When you correctly shouted a word at it that many people frequently mispronounce, it would fall apart. That bought you a little time. Then the scattered parts on the pavement would reassemble themselves back into the thing, and you would have to shout another word at it. We did this while running away, and the dream ended here. I remember one of the words we used being 'Alzheimer's,' but the few words before that were in Spanish.

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December 26, 2016:

Went to a college party. The hosts were all 'people' who were giant rats wearing masks of attractive people, mostly women. The other guests were people who looked almost like zombies. Parts of their bodies were missing or appeared to have been chewed away. I came in with a group of guests; I think I was the only one who hadn't been there before, and therefore was the only one with a complete body still. The hosts were as nice as they could be, but I still felt threatened and knew that their kindness would evaporate if I tried to escape (which I desperately wanted to do). At one point the hosts asked the group of guests, "Do you know who we really are?" and I thought, "Duh, you're very obviously rats who are wearing masks with attractive human faces on them. It's not exactly an airtight disguise." I went along with the check-in process, got paired with a girl, all the while hoping for some opening in the activities where I could make a break for it.

Same night, different dream: A dream ended with a very disturbing pan/zoom across the forest, centering on a figure in the background. The music was a song from The Beginner's Guide. The figure looked kind of like a naked hairless woman with molting skin. She had been in the background for some time, but now was becoming the focus because she was preparing to move. It was horrifying, sickening somehow. The kind of dream that made me wake up and still feel very unsafe in the dark.

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June 22, 2015:

I was sitting at a diner with the door held open. Drawing or something at a table with mom and possibly a few other family members. Two suspicious looking people were in the parking lot just outside. Suddenly a very loud gunshot occurs. It seems to contain all the drama of the next few moments: rushing to the door to keep out whoever just fired a gun, running to the back of the building to escape, etc. But the dream doesn't show any of that, it ends with the gunshot resounding in my ears. It's so loud that when I wake up I almost wonder if I heard it in real life and was awoken by it.

Same night, different dream: Everyone in our apartment keeps getting possessed by this demon. Predictably, this makes them act very strangely. I am only possessed briefly. Much of the dream is spent trying to remove the demon from our house, but it's not very effective. Towards the end my brother is possessed (and has been longer than most) and it's too scary and dangerous so I pack up what I can carefully so I can stay at ####'s.

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July 13, 2013:

I was a passenger in my grandmother's car and she just lost control completely. She was swerving and driving off the road and we were only spared a collision by the other drivers’ actions. She stopped for a moment and I fled the car. She wasn’t herself. She was shouting a lot. She ended up driving through the doors of a grocery store and parking there. I tried to get cops to come out of the office there to restrain her, but they wouldn’t open the door. I also tried calling mom, and I think she was on her way. Then my grandmother got out of the car and came after me... She was trying to beat me with a belt. I woke up by biting myself in the hand, leaving teeth marks. I thought I was biting my grandmother’s hand in the dream.

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May 15, 2012:

My family visits an old friend's family in the city. Their apartment is incredibly modern and minimalist. They have a large robotic dog. One of the girls of this family is hesitant to even let me in and I argue with her incredulously because a) I was already in there once years before, nothing bad happened and, b) what am I going to do? draw on the walls? There are many highly awkward conversations in this dream about people's emotions and how my mother and I kind of want to die. At one point, my mom (somehow, a thinner, taller, younger version of herself) begins climbing up support cables (not unlike a bridge). I'm afraid she'll fall, and equally afraid that's what she wants.

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I lent my X-acto knife to somebody in an auditorium. Later on, I think in the same ultra modern complex, there was a contest, and whoever flushed the toilet on its 50th (or some #) flush since the contest began would win. I seemed to be the only one who cared and I even burst into a used stall to make sure I got to flush it. I won! Not sure what the prize was even. But I knew when they announced the winner I'd have to talk about gay rights.

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February 27, 2012:

A====a is piercing her ear. She sticks a gnarly looking needle through it, asks me to lean forward, and then also pokes it through my eyelid. I can sort of tell what she was about to do, but it's worse than I imagined. There's not much pain or discomfort at first. Mom walks in and she finds out what happened and is very displeased, and suddenly I am too. It happened so fast I don't know how much I could have done to prevent it. There's now a big hole in my eyelid, much bigger than that needle point. It's about half the diameter of a hole-punch, which is still pretty damn huge for a missing spot on your eyelid. When I close my eyes, I can see light coming through the spot a little. The hole is slightly scratchy now.

Recurring Dreams