I haven't figured out what I want to do on this site yet. But this is exciting. I really, really miss the old Internet, and I'm old enough to remember when almost every site looked haphazardly cobbled together and buried under GIFs. Hilariously tacky is still way better than the sleek, functional, suffocatingly boring internet we have today, where just a few huge companies dominate the space. I liked niche websites. I like personality. We've traded all that away for convenience and ease of use, and there are good arguments to be made there, but I wish things hadn't swung so far in the other direction. I miss sites that were just one person's perspective on the world, or experimental art projects, or sites designed to be solved like puzzles.

It's been over a year since I made a website from scratch... I need to remember how to apply CSS to pages in a way that isn't embarrassingly roundabout.

I guess I want to:

Oct. 27, 2023